“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Are personal fulfilment and professional success mutually exclusive?
There was a time when they were!
A global recession and a pandemic put an end to that, providing the opportunity for individuals to stop and take stock. The opportunity for reinvention through career change has never been more desired than now.
We now feel a need to do something of substance with our lives. The good news is, in a new world where start-ups and entrepreneurship is the most successful side to business, it’s proven that working towards your personal passion is the smartest career choice you can make.
Solfile is a professional development and planning solution. But it’s based on the philosophy that sets it apart. We believe that, to be truly successful, you must be authentic. In other words, we challenge the convention that, when you’re at work, your primary job is to fit in. That forces people to pretend to be interested or competent in roles that they’re simply not suited to.
Instead, we think your career or business decisions should be based on seizing genuine opportunities to be yourself and express the qualities that make you unique. That’s the only sustainable path to career success, and more importantly, personal fulfilment.
“Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace.
And If you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.”
Personal Solfile Premium package
Personal Footprint identifies your character code - the intrinsic qualities of your authentic self:
• Who am I?
• What makes me comfortable?
• How I think and communicate?
• My wellness & happiness
• What direction is beneficial?
• Opportunities to grow
• What makes me unique?
• My social preferences
• What am I hiding?
Personal Discovery identifies your performance peaks - the times when you will achieve optimum professional success and personal fulfilment.
• 12-month rolling charts for career/ lifestyle/ wealth/ Health highlights + daily 6am alerts (only) when these key events occur.
Pricing - AU$9.99/month subscription (no lock in contracts)
Solfile is designed using advanced technology and proprietary algorithms. This technology enables Solfile to create your Footprint, Discovery charts and long range planning forecasts to ensure “High Significant Events” are clearly identified. For more information, visit our FAQ’s.
Additional Solfile Services
In-Focus consultation - only available with your Solfile Premium Subscription
If you have a specific question about:
Health, Job or Career changes
Relocations, to find the most suitable areas in which to achieve your goals
Have a major celebration or event on the horizon?
Simply type your question and register via the Solfile app for a detailed In-Focus consultation. The results are provided in a 12-month chart that pinpoints key future events relating to your question. Detailed information is provided to explain the nature of these events and offer advice on how best to navigate them. For more information, visit our FAQ’s.
Pricing - AU$159.99 per In-Focus consultation
Personal coaching services are also available to ensure challenges and opportunities are acted upon effectively. Price on application.